Blue Miracle


Watched in Jun 2021, before Father’s Day. 


Fish and Nail. 

The Plot. 


Father Omar has an orphanage, but the financial situation of the orphanage is very bad, and he owes the bank 117,000 dollars. The bank gave him a 30 day notice and people started to take pictures of their residence. If by 30 days, they could not pay the money back, their house will be expropriated by the bank, which means the kids will be back on the street, becoming homeless. 


Here is the opportunity. There is a fish tournament going on. The winner could win a big prize. Did Omar’s team win? 

Doubt and Faith


We all have doubts. Sometimes, it is because we could not see God. Other times, it is because God did not answer OUR prayers in OUR time and in OUR way. In this movie, Omar has taught a kid that every time when there is a difficult situation, you can put your prayer request on a piece of paper and NAIL it and then God will hear it. Omar has a little faith on this, but the kid has and the kid has prayed that God will save their orphanage. Omar’s faith is tested. On one occasion, He was given an OPPORTUNITY to cheat in the tournament, but he chooses the character and not to cheat. When the 3rd day is almost over and the team still did not get the fish. His faith almost faded when he threw the NAIL away. The Nail is the symbol of his faith …



Fish or Man 

In this movie, there are a couple of occasions where people need to make a hard choice. In one instance, on the second day of the tournament, Omar’s team got the fish on the hook, but the two boys on the boat got into a fight and both of them fell in the water. As a result, The captain has to make a choice to get the fish or save the boy. He made the right choice – the boy was saved, but the fish was lost. On the same day, Father Omar did not get a fish, but he led a boy back to the orphanage and his wife said “you got a big fish back”, because in her mind, the man is the true FISH. this reminds me when Jesus told Peter “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 



The movie is based on a true story. And it is specially good to watch it before Father’s Day. 


Fathers, Fight for our kids.